Comments in JavaScript

Comments are a way for you to add context to your code and more explanation.

Comments allow you to block out an area of code, so that it won’t be executed, but will still be preserved in a document.

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Danita Smith
Naming Variables in JavaScript

In JavaScript, you can give names to functions, variables, objects, etc. (we will discuss these concepts in future posts). The name you give a variable should be understandable and clear given what you are using it for in your programming. When yo

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Danita Smith
What is a Binary System?

Think of a binary system like your mother giving you this answer right before dinner—there are only two possibilities—a yes or a no. A binary numerical system is a base 2 system—meaning it only has two digits in its system (two possibilities represented by a 0 or a 1). When you go higher in place value, in a binary system, you double the value every time.

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Danita Smith