Online Courses

Teach Yourself at HOME

Web Development, Programming and Scripting

Course Catalog

Our online courses are designed to give you useful knowledge, without the pressure of high-stakes tests. You will learn practical skills that have real-life applications. In our courses, you get:

A course booklet with each chapter, a video for each exercise, and the code, to help you, with each exercise.

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Web Development - In this two-part course, you will learn the basics of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).

Goal: You will build a functioning webpage and learn how to style that page with colors, fonts, and the Box Model.

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Programming - Java is one of the world’s most popular languages—it offers an opportunity to learn important concepts, in a thorough way.

Goal: You will learn about the structure of a Java program and its data types.

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Programming - There’s more to learn: conditional statements, comparison operators and arithmetic operations.

Goal: You will take a deeper dive into Java and learn about if statements, casting, logical operators and more.


Programming - For loops and while loops are basic constructs that help us control the flow of a program and are fundamental parts of almost any programming language.

GOAL: You will learn the fundamentals of using loops in Java.



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Web Development - Laying out content on a website can be difficult. The Grid Layout System makes this process much easier.

Goal: You will learn several ways of using the Grid Layout system through a series of exercises.

Scripting and Programming - JavaScript may now be the most popular scripting and programming language in the world. Join us for this new course, coming soon.

Coming SOON!