Genesis: Chapter 7
God calls Noah into the ark, he and all his household because he sees righteousness in Noah. The Bible tells us that “Noah walked with God” and that he was a “just man and perfect in his generations.” (Genesis 6:9). God chooses Noah to establish his covenant (Genesis 6:18) and calls all of his household into the ark during a time of trouble.
Genesis 7:1 And the LORD said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the ark; for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation.
When you are righteous and just before God, you can have an impact on your entire family. Your example can be a powerful force in the lives of your family members, especially your children. I know there are many factors that go into raising children, but your influence, if you are a parent, is the most important factor in your child’s life and it is an awesome job that God has given you—to be a parent to one of his divine creations.
If you remember our lesson from the story of Cain and Abel…
“If you put forth your best life and your best effort in service to God, God will accept it…”
…then being a parent to the best of your ability is one of the greatest offerings you can give to God, especially if God has granted you the opportunity to have a child, or children, in your life.
© Copyright 2020, Red and Black Ink, LLC and Danita Smith