Stories About Black History: Vol. 3

Stories About Black History: Vol. 3
Learn about Black History in a way that makes you connect with the people and events central to these stories.
This volume contains:
Ch. 1: Christiana, William Parker and the Horn
Ch. 2: Justice Department Report: It Is Important to Document Behavior
Ch. 3: General Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
Ch. 4: Cell Biologist: Ernest Everett Just
Ch. 5: Greenwood - Tuksa, Oklahoma
Ch. 6: Hiram Rhodes Revels: U.S. Senator
Ch. 7: Elijah McCoy: The Real McCoy
Ch. 8: Philip Reid and the Statue of Freedom
Ch. 9: Emancipation in the District of Columbia
Ch. 10: Mary Ann Shadd: Publisher, Teacher, Activist and More
Ch. 11: Charles "Buddy" Bolden: A Part of Early Jazz History
Ch. 12: George Thomas Downing
Ch. 13: Mary Touvestre: Civil War Intelligence
Ch. 14: James Weldon Johnson (1871 - 1938)